Throughout its long history, District Daughters have volunteered hundreds of hours and donated thousands of books and funds in support of child and adult literacy in both DAR-sponsored schools and local schools in the nation’s capital. Outstanding District of Columbia students are recognized with awards and DAR scholarships for academic excellence, good citizenship, and knowledge of American history.

DCDAR participates in outreach programs at McKinley Technology High School library and has been instrumental in the formation, support, and donation of books to the middle and high school libraries. The DCDAR also sponsors pizza lunches for the Book Club on their “Visit with the Author Days," as well as providing support for the city-wide Poetry Out Loud Contest. Other activities include awarding of Barnes & Noble Gift Cards to Milestone Readers of the Book Club, hosting Constitution Week programs for the students, serving as guest judge of the school’s Poetry Out Loud Competition, and awarding gift cards to the second and third-place winners and a Kindle to the first-place winner. DCDAR also sponsored a McKinley student’s attendance at the National FBLA Convention to receive an Outstanding Student award.

Additionally, annual scholarship awards at George Washington University and the development of a JROTC scholarship to benefit District students enrolled in JROTC who are graduating seniors are other educational programs we support. Other educational programs supported by DCDAR are the Campbell’s Soup Labels & Box Tops for Education collection for DAR-sponsored schools.

Resources for Students & Educators

Since its founding in 1890, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has promoted historic preservation, education, and patriotism in communities across the nation. DAR has something to offer every community, including essay contests, educational materials, youth programs, and scholarships and awards. All students and educators are invited to participate and learn more about the educational programs the DAR offers.

Essay Contests

The NSDAR conducts a major annual essay contest for students: 

  • American History Essay Contest - The American History Essay Contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our nation's great history and learn about history in a new light. More information is available at the NSDAR website. Students should contact teachers or counselors for information about this contest. Teachers or school counselors in the District of Columbia area may reach out here.


Both the NSDAR and the DCDAR offer scholarship opportunities: 

  • NSDAR Scholarships - The NSDAR awards multiple scholarships to students showing dedication to the pursuit of degrees in diverse disciplines. More information is available at the NSDAR website.

  • DCDAR Fellowship at the George Washington University - The DCDAR Fellowship at the George Washington University (GWU) is an annual award available to United States citizens who are current GWU Master’s or PhD candidates and enrolled for at least six credits per semester in Museum Studies, American Studies, History, or Art History. The amount of the award varies by year and by the number of successful applicants. GWU students who are interested in applying should contact the GWU Office of Graduate Student Assistantships and Fellowships for details and deadlines. Generally, the complete application packet must be filed by early February of each year. More information is available at the GWU website or by calling (202) 994-6822.

Youth Programs

The DAR maintains several programs that benefit youth:

  • Junior American Citizens - The Junior American Citizens program fosters the idea that the rights and responsibilities of citizenship can and should be taught from an early age. More information is available at the NSDAR website. For information on this program specifically in the District of Columbia, please reach out here.

  • DAR Good Citizens - The DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. More information is available at the NSDAR website. Students should contact teachers or counselors for information about this award and contest. Teachers or school counselors in the District of Columbia area may reach out here.

  • DAR Youth Citizenship Medal - This medal is presented to a student who fulfills the qualities of honor, service, courage, leadership, and patriotism. It is separate from the DAR Good Citizens Award mentioned above. More information is available at the NSDAR website. Students should contact teachers or counselors for information about this medal. Teachers or school counselors in the District of Columbia area may reach out here.